Creating a mutually agreeable custody agreement is an art, and the needs of the children must come first. At A. C. Howard Law, we know that coming to consensus on custody can be a difficult process. We do not escalate conflict. Instead, we empower clients and educate them about their rights and responsibilities.
We’ve outlined some information to help you better understand the custody process.
Should I ask for legal custody or just physical custody?
Courts almost always want parents to make big decisions together: public school or private school, religious education, and choices of pediatricians or therapists/counselors. These decisions relate to legal custody. Physical custody is about the time your child spends with each parent. Unless your fellow parent is trying to pull the child(ren) out of school or stop important medical treatment, you probably just want to ask for physical custody orders.
How long does it take to get custody?
Yes, but cautiously. I recommend parents tread very carefully when thinking about supervised visitation because it is extreme. Courts only order supervised visitation if the judge genuinely believes a parent is putting children in danger on a regular basis. All too often, parents who disagree request supervised visitation or file restraining orders against one another because of one-time, isolated incidents that are not likely to take place again. Making vindictive requests ultimately damages the trust the court has in a party.
I want to request supervised visitation. Will you help?
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To learn more about custody proceedings or to ask specific questions, please contact A. C. Howard Law for your free 25-minute consultation.